Do Kids Need Friends?

by Captain
in Blog
Hits: 2274

What is having friends for?
⦁    Helping children develop emotionally and socially
⦁    Training ground for trying out different ways of relating to others
⦁    Setting up rules, weighing alternatives and make decisions when faced with dilemmas
⦁    Teaches how to win, how to lose, what's appropriate, what's not
⦁    Displays social standing and power - who's in, who's out, how to lead and how to follow, what's fair and what's not
⦁    Shows examples that they're both similar to and different from others

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Is your child ready for camp?

by Captain
in Blog
Hits: 2070

Your child going to summer camp for the first time is a big step in his or her life.   While it is an exciting time, your child going to camp may cause some nervousness for your child.  So how do you know when the right time is to send your child to camp?   Consider the following when figuring out whether your child is ready for camp and how to prepare your child for the experience. 

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