Privacy Policy – Blue Dolphin Summer Camp
This is how we handle information we learn about people who visit our Web site.
Information Collected and Its Use.

The information we collect depends on what people do when they visit our site.
If a visitor visits our site to browse or to read or download information:
We collect and store: the name of the domain and host from which visitors access the Internet (for example, or; the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer visitors use; the Internet address of the Web site from which visitors arrived at our site; the browser software and operating system visitors use; the date and time visitors access our site; the length of time they spend on our site; the pages they view; the search engines, if any, used by the visitors to our site and the search terms they used; and any sales made during that visit.
We use this information to measure the number of visitors to the different pages of our site, when visitors access the site, how long they stay connected to the site, and the domain and host from which visitors come to visit our site.

We use this information in turn to assess the interest or lack of interest of visitors in the various pages of the site in order to help us make our site more useful, and to assess our marketing efforts. We have no set period after which we delete this information.
We do not use "cookies" to track your Web surfing anywhere other than on this Web site. A "cookie" is a file that a Web site can place on your computer's hard drive in order, for example, to collect information about your activities. The cookie transmits this information back to the Web site's computer.
If a visitor completes an information request on our web site or sends us an email:
We collect personally identifying information from people communicating with us. This information includes name, address, email address, and telephone number. We also collect the name, age, and gender of potential campers and any interests expressed, including but not limited to, activities, food, and transportation requests. This information is collected directly from the person contacting us, and only to the extent the person volunteers that information. The information provided is up to the person contacting us.
We use this information for marketing camp (individually or in conjunction with other camps through a trade association) to the potential camper and his/her parents, and to track interests so that we may improve our services. We will not otherwise share information collected by email with other people, unless the collection, use, or dissemination of such information is necessary (i) to protect the security or integrity of our Web site; (ii) to take precautions against liability; (iii) to respond to judicial process; or (iv) to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.
If a visitor clicks on a link to another Web site:
This Web site links to other Web sites maintained by other organizations including, but not limited to, organizations that provide topographical maps of the Camp and vicinity, weather information, lodging and tourist information for the vicinity, photographs, and other information of a general interest. Once a visitor accesses another Web site, the visitor is subject to the privacy policy of that Web site.
If a parent/camper responds to an online evaluation of the camper's camping experience:
We intend to send an email to all campers and their parents at summer's end inviting them to complete an online evaluation of the camper's experience. Such information will include ranking the camper's favorite activities, suggestions for new programs and improvements, rating our food, accommodations, and facilities, whether the camper enjoyed and benefited from his/her counselor, what the camper's favorite part of Camp was and why, whether the Camp was successful in its goals such as encouraging the camper to have at least one new experience, to acquire at least one new skill, to make at least one new friend, to ascertain whether Camp-parent communications were adequate, solicit any health or safety concerns, why they chose Blue Dolphin Summer Camp, if they plan on sending the camper back to Camp the following summer, any suggestions for improving the Camp, and whether they would be willing to be listed as a reference. Providing this information and name is optional.
We use this information to assess how well the Camp operated and as the basis for improvement. We do not, and will not, sell or otherwise share this information with other people, unless the collection, use, or dissemination of such information is necessary (i) to protect the security or integrity of our Web site; (ii) to take precautions against liability; (iii) to respond to judicial process; or (iv) to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.

Parental Consent

If you are a parent of a potential camper, here is some information you need to know:

Under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), an operator of a commercial Web site or online service directed to children 12 years of age or younger is required to obtain verifiable parental consent to collect, use, or disclose personal information of a child. There are certain limited exceptions allowing operators to collect a child's email address without prior parental consent, including but not limited to, collecting a child's or parent's email address to provide notice and to seek consent, and collecting an email address to respond to a one-time request from a child and then deleting it.

As noted above, we wish to obtain the types of information identified above from those people, including children, who visit our Web site.
To ensure that we comply with the law, we will request children 12 years of age and younger not to contact us directly, but rather to have their parent or guardian contact us.
You may refuse to allow us to collect or use any personally identifying information on your child and/or to communicate with your child, and to have us delete what information we do have. If you consent at first you may later change your mind and revoke your consent.

If you have any questions about COPPA, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission online at You also may call the FTC's Consumer Response Center toll-free at 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357), or write Consumer Response Center, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580.