Teens Seeking Sensations

by Captain
in Blog
Hits: 7318

If you spend time around teenagers, it’s easy to see them exhibit “sensation seeking” behaviors. They thrive on new experiences and stimuli of all kinds, and tend to take surprising risks. In fact it’s widely accepted within psychology that this personality trait is a dominant force in the lives of teen girls and boys. This sensation seeking is thought to be an evolutionary, skill , something that helps teens learn new things, become more independent from their parents and to increase their social competence. Overall, it’s a good thing.

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What summer camp really teaches

by Captain
in Blog
Hits: 2647

Because of summer camp, your child is far more ready for school! Back to School preparations dominate our lives until the yellow buses that have transported campers to and from day and overnight camp and to and from camp trips over the summer make their annual return to school year routes and routines in a matter of days. School children will be riding back to school before we know it.

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Cost of camp and Benefits

by Captain
in Blog
Hits: 2494

Transformed lives

At camp, young people have the mental room to consider some of the most important issues of life. This break from the craziness of their regular routine allows campers to think about their future, to evaluate unhealthy patterns, and to discover the truth that God loves them and has an amazing plan for their lives.

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